• AD MEPSO friend of PHI UC ‘St. Naum Ohridski – Skopje’
  • AD MEPSO friend of PHI UC ‘St. Naum Ohridski – Skopje’

AD MEPSO friend of PHI UC ‘St. Naum Ohridski – Skopje’

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The name of AD MEPSO may be found among the companies whose logo is displayed on the so-called ‘Gratitude Wall’ at the PHI University Clinic for Surgical Diseases ‘St. Naum Ohridski – Skopje’. AD MESPO last year donated 1.200,000,00 denars for reconstruction and renovation of the clinic and became a member of the group of companies ‘Friends of the Clinic’, which donated funds and contributed to reconstruction and improvement of the conditions for medical treatment of patients in the Institute.

The donation was necessary to physically separate the interior space of the polyclinic from the hospital for safer work of the personnel and improved safety of the patients that stay in the hospital, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This donation is just one of the series of activities that AD MEPSO as a socially responsible company undertakes towards humanity and eagerness to lend a hand when most needed.  


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