• Advanced Power System Integration in South East Europe
  • Advanced Power System Integration in South East Europe
  • Advanced Power System Integration in South East Europe
  • Advanced Power System Integration in South East Europe
  • Advanced Power System Integration in South East Europe
  • Advanced Power System Integration in South East Europe
  • Advanced Power System Integration in South East Europe

Advanced Power System Integration in South East Europe

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ENTSO-E celebrates 15 years since its founding, marked by transmission system operators (TSOs) from the Western Balkans signing a Declaration for Regional Coordination.

The Declaration received support from TSOs across the European Union and Southeast Europe, including MEPSO (North Macedonia), NOSBIH (Bosnia and Herzegovina), OST (Albania), EMS (Serbia), and CGES (Montenegro). KOSTT (Kosovo) was also engaged in discussions and invited to participate alongside other regional TSOs.

The Declaration, encouraged by ENTSO-E, establishes a comprehensive framework for collaboration among TSOs in the Western Balkans. This approach aligns with European Community legislation while addressing the specific needs and current conditions of countries in this part of Europe.

The agreement facilitates technical and market alignment for coordinated power system operations, facilitating electricity trading and auctions by connecting Western Balkan TSOs with the organized markets of Central and Southeast Europe.

  • Key outcomes of the Declaration include:
  • Strengthened energy security and electricity market integration.
  • Development of new legislation for seamless regional coordination.
  • Improved capacity allocation, congestion management, and profit sharing.

This initiative aims to accelerate market coupling in Southeast Europe, a critical step for Western Balkan countries to qualify for CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) exemptions. The joint Declaration represents a shared vision for fully integrating Southeast Europe into the European energy system.

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