• The thorough rehabilitation of SS Probishtip is completed
  • The thorough rehabilitation of SS Probishtip is completed
  • The thorough rehabilitation of SS Probishtip is completed
  • The thorough rehabilitation of SS Probishtip is completed
  • The thorough rehabilitation of SS Probishtip is completed

The thorough rehabilitation of SS Probishtip is completed

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The work in this substation began last year with the replacement of circuit breakers of 110 kV OHTL SS Probishtip – Neokazi, due to the release of the new transmission line and the new equipment in SS Neokazi.

Furthermore, the work has been continued this year within the regular maintenance with the complete replacement of the primary equipment in SS Probishtip, which has been in use for over 40 years. The circuit breakers and the disconnectors, as well as the surge arresters have been changed.

Circuit breakers, disconnectors, current and voltage measuring transformers, surge arresters, busbar wires of 110 kV bay to SS Neokazi, to SS Kumanovo 1, as well as of 110 kV coupling bay and two of 110 kV transmission line bays, have been replaced.

With the completion of the activities of replacement of the primary equipment, this substation has been brought in excellent condition with a high degree of confidentiality and reliability for the consumers that are connected to the distribution network in the eastern region of RNM.

The rehabilitation process has been carried out by the expert teams of the Transmission Grid Operator, subsidiary at AD MEPSO.

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