• Energizing the 400 kV coupling bay in SS Skopje 4
  • Energizing the 400 kV coupling bay in SS Skopje 4

Energizing the 400 kV coupling bay in SS Skopje 4

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After energizing the 400 kV transmission line bay towards SS Skopje 5, today AD MEPSO and the Contractor Koncar-Ket put into operation the 400 kV coupling bay in this substation. The revitalization project includes complete replacement of the high-voltage equipment and the secondary equipment that has been into operation more than 40 years (circuit breakers and post insulator, new foundations and supports, equipment for protection and control, new supply wires, control and signalization).

Today’s commissioning of the 400 kV coupling bay is part of the activities within the project for reconstruction and modernization of the substation expected to be completed by the end of the current year.

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