• New 400/110 kV Transformer Put into Operation in SS Bitola 2
  • New 400/110 kV Transformer Put into Operation in SS Bitola 2
  • New 400/110 kV Transformer Put into Operation in SS Bitola 2
  • New 400/110 kV Transformer Put into Operation in SS Bitola 2
  • New 400/110 kV Transformer Put into Operation in SS Bitola 2

New 400/110 kV Transformer Put into Operation in SS Bitola 2

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A new transformer was put into service today, produced by the reputable Slovenian company – Kolektor ETRA. It’s about an energy unit weighted 235 tons, with a capacity of 300 MVA, and equipped with the most up-to-date assets for control, protection, and surveillance. This capital project was financially supported by MEPSO with €2,4 million.

“Despite big obstacles and challenges faced due to the coronavirus pandemic, AD MEPSO doesn’t stop with the realization of the planned projects and investments,” – said Kushtrim Ramadani, General Director of AD MEPSO. “This transformer is of great importance for the power supply in the region, both for the citizens and companies considering it is positioned in the most significant energy node in the country. In substation Bitola 2 meet the electricity produced by REK Bitola and the transmission line towards Greece. Any time soon, at this place, we expect to commence the construction of the energy corridor that shall connect Macedonia and Albania via transmission line Bitola – Elbasan. I would like to call attention to the citizens that 3,5 to 4 % of the electricity bills they pay, AD MEPSO invests in new investments and maintenance of the transmission network in order to achieve secure and safe supply of electric power”, continued Ramadani.

According to the Minister of transport and communications, the investments realized in the power system continue unabated, and that is proof of the strategic decisions for strengthening the energy sector in the Republic of North Macedonia.

„These investments are crucial for the complete economic development of the state. Our state plays a key role in the regional energy connection therefore, this investment is truly essential not just to Bitola and the region of Pelagonia, but also to us as a state and the whole power system. From here, we are sending a clear message to all current and future investors. By modernizing this substation, we offer a stable and smooth supply of electricity, and that is the answer to their needs," stated Bochvarski.

According to Prime Minister Zaev, the realization of this project means that in such harsh, times we invest in the energetics, roads, underground infrastructure. Those are enormous capital projects that will remain for all times, and such capital investments show that the economy lives, said Zaev.
„In the past period, I have been present at finished projects or projects kickoff from the energy sector that contribute to the economy, investments, faster development, and higher standard. This week we signed the investment contracts in Alexandroupoli, and thus, we insured the future of the energy. I am sending an encouraging message to every citizen to do their eight hours, to increase productivity together, companies to invest, the market and transportation are open. United, we can increase the living standard of the citizens,"  said Zaev.


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