Market Management System

MEPSO Market Management System is a platform in which several modules are implemented in order to better integrate and to imlement the operations of AD MEPSO as a Transmission System Operator in relation to the electricity market and the balancing energy market.
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MEPSO Market Management System

With the help of Market Management System (MMS) the management and exchange of data is enabled between AD MEPSO and the participants in the Electricity Market in North Macedonia, and between AD MEPSO and the neighboring System Operators by applying the EU Regulation and ENTSO-E’s recommendations.

MMS is composed of 6 functional modules: Master Data, Auction, Nomination, Dispatching, Balancing and Settlement. The data exchange format is XML according to ENTSO-E standards. It is connected to the SCADA system and is in 24 hour operation mode.

Market Management System enables the completion of several processes:

  • Scheduling (preparation procedure of a final daily schedule)
  • Balancing capacity and energy procurement auctions (FCR - Frequency Containment Reserve, aFRR and mFRR - automatic and manual Frequency Restoration Reserve);
  • Auctions for the purchase and sale of electricity to cover the unwanted deviations of the control area managed by AD MEPSO (compensation);
  • Procurement of electricity to cover losses in the electricity transmission network by organizing auctions, which can be organized as daily, monthly or annual for different delivery periods;
  • With the help of the Dispatching Module it is possible to engage the bids for mFRR balancing energy (up or down) according to the merit order list, which is generated automatically after the completion of the daily auctions for mFRR balancing energy;
  • With the help of the Settlement Module, the calculations of imbalances and financial settlements between TSOs and stakeholders are performed.

This platform can be used by TSO, neighboring transmission system operators and all market participants in the role of producers, traders, suppliers or service providers.

MEPSO Market Management System is a modern software tool that is constantly maintained and upgraded in accordance with the Electricity Balancing Rules and the European regulations and ENTSO-E legislations in order to visualize (implement) all processes in a transparent, non-discriminatory and competitive manner.

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