Public announcement

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              This announcement serves to correctly and truthfully inform the citizens and to prevent spreading misinformation to the public, as a reaction of unfair attacks and accusations on behalf of certain media towards AD MEPSO, who, unfortunately, cause invaluable damage to the reputation of our Company and create a wrong perception for the citizens and partners. 

              From the very start, we would like to emphasize the fact that AD MEPSO does not have the authority to issue or revoke licences of electricity suppliers. That is exclusively in the authority of the Energy and Water Services Regulatory Commission, according to the law.

              AD MEPSO acts highly professionally within the scope of its legal responsibilities, has reacted immediately and has informed ERC and the Government of North Macedonia about the current status of the electrical energy in the country. AD MEPSO pointed to the condition and the electricity referent price on the market in the region, also with indication of the current status of the electrical energy in the country.

              As a result of our suggestion, a meeting was held on August 06, 2021, with the energy companies (EVN, ESM, MEMO and TPP Negotino) and in the presence of the ECR and representatives from the Government of N. Macedonia. During this meeting, among other things, AD MEPSO pointed out that: due to high electricity prices а phenomenon has been noted, where suppliers nominate significantly smaller quantities of electrical energy than required and take the rest from the system as imbalance.

              The increase of the prices continued with the same tempo, the use of the system reserves was, according to AD MEPSO, unjustified, the accumulations level was brought to a minimum, which caused AD MEPSO to call for another meeting with all the relevant authorities in the energy sector. That meeting was held on October 01, 2021.

              As far as the public questions and dilemmas regarding certain electricity suppliers among which “U-power” are concerned, we would like to inform you that those are companies, which lately have marked development in their activities in supplying electricity in R.N. Macedonia. Their debts on the basis of compensation for imbalances in the previous period was 0 "zero". Namely, AD MEPSO in the previous period, according to the “Balancing Code”, had financial responsibilities towards U-Power and the other suppliers, which means U-power secured more than the required electricity to supply their consumers and that is within the normal estimations.

              With the rise of the electricity prices, AD MEPSO records an increased engagement of the system reserves for the production of electrical energy. Taking the legal competence into consideration, AD MEPSO does not have any insight in the bilateral agreements of the registered suppliers in R.N. Macedonia (U-Power included), nor in the supply agreements, which are made with the consumers. This is why AD MEPSO can only make an assumption, that U-Power DOO or any other licenced supplier, secures enough electricity or not in order to fulfil their legal contractual obligations towards theirs consumers.

              This sort of assumptions, made on behalf of AD MEPSO, become reality within 60 days after the ending of the month. Namely, according to the legal obligations, DSO (Distribution System Operator) submits information to MEMO for the measured electricity, which the consumers have received within 45 days after the ending of the month. Based on this data, MEMO writes a report to AD MEPSO for the caused imbalances of all the suppliers. These calculations are the base for issuing an invoice to all the suppliers (Balance Responsible Parties) for the caused imbalances for that certain month.

              This means, that AD MEPSO has issued an invoice for all the deviations, which U-Power or other suppliers caused in July, 2021. The invoice was issued the next day, on September 27, 2021, after receiving the calculations from MEMO. The day after the invoice issuing, according to contractual obligations, AD MEPSO submitted a request for increasing of the financial guarantee, not only to U-Power, but also to all other suppliers, who have higher invoice for collection of the imbalance fee from existing financial guarantees.

              We confirm with the presented arguments that AD MEPSO acts responsibly and professionally within the scope of the legal competencies and contractual obligations.   



              AD MEPSO

              Skopje, October 07, 2021

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