• Energy cooperation in the SEE group is being strengthened
  • Energy cooperation in the SEE group is being strengthened
  • Energy cooperation in the SEE group is being strengthened
  • Energy cooperation in the SEE group is being strengthened
  • Energy cooperation in the SEE group is being strengthened

Energy cooperation in the SEE group is being strengthened

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Energy cooperation in the SEE group is being strengthened

Solemn opening of the Electricity Network Coordination Center

in Southeast Europe – “SEleNe CC”

The General Director of AD MEPSO, the Director of PSO Borko Aleksovski and the Chief of Staff Imer Dalipi last weekend in Thessaloniki, R. of Greece, attended the ceremony on the official start of working of the Electricity Network Coordination Center in SEE, SEleNe CC (Southeast Electricity Network Coordination Center), which is being described as the beginning of a new era for the Energy Security and regional cooperation.

The realization of the tasks of SEleNe CC will not only improve the security of the networks in Southeast Europe, it will also provide a significant contribution to the exchange of knowledge between the employees of the Power System Operators in the region for dealing with the new technical challenges. In addition, SEleNe CC will ensure more efficient functioning of the electricity market by maximizing the capacity available on the energy exchange market, which eventually will be expected to lead to electrical energy costs minimization.

At the same time, SEleNe CC promotes regional cooperation between Power System Operators, which is more important today than ever, as the challenges of balancing systems intensify due to increased RES penetration, increased volume, but also variability of cross-border flows, which is of a great significance for MEPSO. Namely, according to the obligations AD MEPSO has undertaken with the signing of the international agreements has an obligation to provide the services realized through the regional security centres for which SEleNe CC, except for the Coordination Centre SCC Belgrade, will play a key part.

The ceremony was held in the presence of representatives from the Power System Operators – shareholders from SEleNe CC, ESO-EAD from Bulgaria, Terna from Italy, Transelectrica from Romania and IPTO from Greece; from the European Association ENTSO-E; competent regulatory authorities; SCC Belgrade, as well as representatives from the Power System Operators from West Balkans.

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