• Prime Minister Zaev: Neokazi - Probishtip Transmission Line Derives Considerable Benefits for the Citizens and Real Sector
  • Prime Minister Zaev: Neokazi - Probishtip Transmission Line Derives Considerable Benefits for the Citizens and Real Sector
  • Prime Minister Zaev: Neokazi - Probishtip Transmission Line Derives Considerable Benefits for the Citizens and Real Sector
  • Prime Minister Zaev: Neokazi - Probishtip Transmission Line Derives Considerable Benefits for the Citizens and Real Sector

Prime Minister Zaev: Neokazi - Probishtip Transmission Line Derives Considerable Benefits for the Citizens and Real Sector

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The President of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev marked the commissioning of the Neokazi – Probishtip transmission line, together with the Minister of Transport and Communications Blagoj Bochvarski and the General Director of AD MEPSO, Eva Shukleva indicated the importance of this successfully completed infrastructure investment.

Prime Minister Zaev said that today’s commissioning of the second section of the transmission connection between the Neokazi and Probishtip substations, which is part of the newly built 110 kV transmission line, means that the promised development projects are being realized.

“Today’s visit is aimed at drawing attention to our commitment to invest in energy infrastructure, which in long-term period means improvement of the standard of living. With this project, we upgrade the transmission network and we create due infrastructure ambient for all potential investors who can and know how to use the economic potentials of this region. This investment will derive considerable benefits for both, the population and the real sector. New and modernized transmission network means investment in better tomorrow and makes easier the life and work of the people from the eastern region of our country. Our dedications as Government are in continuity directed towards creation of better business environment in order to increase the economic potential, improve work conditions, open new job positions, and attract future investors in the region for growth of the local economy. That gives an impulse for growth of the gross domestic product, therefore we create better-quality present and prosperous future”, said Prime Minister Zaev and added that this capital investment, worth €2,45 million, created conditions about complete energetic functionality of the industrial zone Neokazi, where one big investor from the metal-processing industry is already working.  

Minister Bochvarski stated that investments in the transmission system are of key importance for the whole economic development of the country, for the purpose of stimulation of economic growth and stability maintenance in the energy sector supported by the Government.

“These investments are necessary for modernization of the power facilities. This project is one of the few that solves the issue between Shtip and Probishtip, and after issuance of a construction built, the investment continues with construction of transmission line from Shtip to Ovche Pole, and after to Skopje. Thus, this region and the whole state will be stable in terms of electricity transmission, and that is of great significance because the domestic and foreign companies as well, require good infrastructure and secure power network”, said Bochvarski and added that there are ongoing preparations for start of the construction of the Bitola OHL and its connection with Albania.

Director Shukleva said that from civil engineering point of view, AD MEPSO with the new investment minimizes the costs for maintenance of the equipment and more importantly – the risks of outages in the power system. 

“The new remote control equipment in the Neokazi substations enables local and remote control. SCADA system was installed that makes possible to command from the control building within the substation, moreover it enables remote surveillance and control of the substation in real time from the National Dispatching Center in Skopje. In this substation were installed and put into function new measurement systems, relay protection system, as well as a new system for auxiliary load that will provide uninterrupted power supply to the equipment in order to achieve its functionality in case of blackout”, specified Shukleva.

AD MEPSO’s management, together with the Contractor and Subcontractors built this important energy facility and put it into operation, despite the state of emergency caused by the actual COVID-19 crisis.

The investment is financially supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

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